In my last short article about presenting a “value” proposition versus a “cost” proposition in…
Providing Opinions or Determining Current Market Rent during a pandemic eg. Covid-19, including compliance with Australia’s National Code of Conduct
When Covid-19 first started emerging sometime in January my ears pricked up. Since I was a boy and even in my father’s home before that current affairs have been closely followed.
I watched the infection rates with interest, how far and wide it seemed to spread with ease, watched the seemingly low death rates; considered how this might be compared to the 1918 Spanish Flu influenza virus; and then started querying the “Not Dead Yet” category.
Obviously the spread of this virus in the built environ, our transport networks, our modes of transport is having a big big impact our the weakest part of our human body. Our transfer of O2 into the human body and how we expel CO2. Perhaps it has emerged from the pig community, who knows, time will tell.
Of interest was how when medical staff and equipment get overwhelmed, that death rates skyrocket. As I write this, Third World STATS seem not available yet, but there are mass graves that are appearing. I believe there will be no STATS.
And, there is no cure in sight.